Non Fiction

Steve Jobs - by Walter Isaacson
I bought my first Apple device (iPad 2) in the year 2011. But I've been fascinated with Jobs for a really long time ever since I watched "The Pirates of Silicon Valley" and later his inspiring speech at Stanford. A must read if you are a technology enthusiast or an entrepreneur/aspiring entrepreneur.

Inspired - by Marty Cagan
Published in 2008, Marty Cagan's Inspired had some of the ideas that were later made popular by the Lean Startup movement. There are two key aspects of any new product development. Building the right product and bulding the product right. Inspired discusses the both aspects in details. It also has great content explaining what Product Management is really about and it's best practises.

The Four Steps to the Epiphany - by Steve Blank
One of the common pitfalls first time entrepreneurs fall into that they spend way too much time building the ideal product with minimal exposure to their users. In this book, Steve explains how startups differ from established companies, why they need a different management structure and what processes a startup can follow to increase the chances of success.